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Books and Papers published by WPF Graduates
This is an incomplete list of books and papers published by WPF graduates. With thanks to Chris Driver and Lesley Murdin for compiling the original list. Please send details of any errors and omissions to admin@thefpc.org.uk . Please provide information in the format used below and provide a link, where possible.
Archer, R., Forbes, Y., Metcalfe, C., Winter, D. (2000) An Investigation of the Effectiveness of a Voluntary Sector Psychodynamic Counselling Service. British Journal of Medical Psychology. Volume 73. Part 3. September 2000
Archer, R. (ed.) (2006) Dual Realities. London: Karnac.
Aylward, P. (2012) Understanding Dunblane and Other Massacres; Forensic Studies of Homicide, Paedophilia and Anorexia. London: Karnac.
Barnes, F. P., and Murdin, L. (eds.) (2001) Values and Ethics in the Practice of Psychotherapy and Counselling. Buckingham, and Philadelphia: Open University Press
Barnes, F. P. (1998) Complaints and Grievances in Psychotherapy: A Handbook of Ethical Practice. London: Routledge.
Barnes, L. (2018) The (Body-) ‘Thing’ Phenomenon and Primitive States of Being: ‘The Words to Say It’. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 34 (1):132-146.
Barnett, M. (2007) What Brings you here? An exploration of the unconscious motivations of those who choose to train and work as psychotherapists and counsellors. Psychodynamic Practice. 13 (3):257-274.
Barnett, M. (2010) Research in the voluntary sector. In Gardner, F., and Coombs, S.J. (eds) Researching, Reflecting and Writing about Work. London and New York: Routledge.
Berger, S. (2006) Avoiding the Issues: the consequences of poorly managed diabetes. In Archer, R (ed) Dual Realities: The Search for Meaning: Psychodynamic Therapy with Physically Ill People. London, Karnac.
Black, D.M. (1991) A Place for Exploration. London: Westminster Pastoral Foundation.
Black, D.M. (1993) What Sort of a Thing is a Religion? A view from object-relations theory. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 74 (3).
Black, D.M. (1995) The Fear of Analytic Understanding. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 40 (1).
Black, D.M. (1996) Abiding Values and the Creative Present: British. Journal of Psychotherapy. 12 (3).
Black, D.M. (1999) The God I Want. In Stein, S (ed.) Beyond Belief: Psychotherapy and Religion. London: Karnac Books.
Black, D.M. (2000) The Functioning of Religions from a Modern Psychoanalytic Perspective. Mental Health Religion and Culture. 3(1).
Black, D.M. (2001) Psychoanalysis and the Function of Consciousness. In Molino, A. (ed) Where Id Was: Challenging Normalization in Psychoanalysis . London: Continuum.
Black, D.M. (2001) Mapping a Detour: Why did Freud speak of a Death Drive? British Journal of Psychotherapy. 18(2).
Black, D.M. (2004) Sympathy Reconfigured: Some reflections on sympathy, empathy and the discovery of values. International. Journal of Psychoanalysis. 85:579-96.
Black, D.M. (2004) A Fact without Parallel: Consciousness as an emergent property. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 21:69-82.
Black, D.M. (2005) The Challenge of Evolution and the Place of Sympathy. In Field, N. (ed) Ten Lectures on Psychotherapy and Spirituality. London: Karnac Books.
Black, D.M. (ed) (2006) Psychoanalysis and Religion in the 21st Century: Competitors or Collaborators? London: Routledge: New Library of Psychoanalysis
Black, D.M. (2008) Reflections on the Ownership of Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies. 15(7):5-27
Black, D.M. (2011a) Why Things Matter: the place of values in science, psychoanalysis and religion. London: Routledge.
Black, D.M. (2011b) Derek Blows: Obituary. FPC website: November 2011.
Black, D.M. (2013) Religions in Relation to Values. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., and Stewart, J. (eds) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and therapeutic practice. London: Palgrave.
Black, D.M. (2015) Religion as the Affirmation of Values. Britsh Journal of Psychotherapy. 31(4):510-523.
Black, D.M. (2017a) Who Founded Buddhism? Notes on the psychological effectiveness of religious objects. International J. of Psychoanalysis. 98(2):435-455.
Black, D.M. (2017b) Dante's "Two Suns": Reflections on the psychological sources of the Divine Comedy. International J. of Psychoanalysis. 98(6):1699-1717
Black, D.M. (2018) Jonathan Lear: Heir to a different legacy. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 34(4):681-689.
Brown, G., and Walker, J. (2010) Prison Language as an organisational defence against Anxiety. In Wilson, S and Cumming, I. (eds.) Psychiatry in Prisons, A Comprehensive Handbook. London: Jessica Kinsley Publishers
Brown, G., Kainth, K., Matheson, C., Osborne, J., Trenkle, A., Adlam, J. (2011) An Hospitable Engagement? Open-door psychotherapy with the socially excluded. Psychodynamic Practice. 17(3):307-324.
Brown, G. (2012) Review of: Estela Welldon (2011) Playing with Dynamite: A personal Approach to the Understanding of Perversion, Violence and Criminality. Free Associations. 63. October 2012
Brown, G. (2013) On Loneliness. In, Driver, C; Crawford, S. Stewart, J. (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. London: Palgrave.
Brown, G. (2014) Review of: Ann Smolen (2013). Mothering without a home: attachment representations and behaviours of homeless mothers and children. In Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. 28(4).
Brown, G. (2015) Psychotherapy with People who Smell. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. 20(1)
Brown, G. (ed.) (2019) Psychoanalytic Thinking on the Unhoused Mind. London, Routledge.
Brown, G. (2019) Being Beyond the Pale: Psychotherapy with people who smell. In Brown, G. (ed.) Psychoanalytic Thinking on the Unhoused Mind. London: Routledge.
Brown, G. (2019) Chronic Homelessness as a psychic solution and defence against breakdown. In Brown, G. (ed.) Psychoanalytic Thinking on the Unhoused Mind. London: Routledge.
Butler, C. (2019) Bitter Sweet: Reflections on the training therapy. Psychotherapy Section Review. 63. Spring 2019.
Caccia, J., and Watson, J. P. (1987) A counselling centre and a psychiatric out-patient clinic: A comparison. Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. 11:182-184.
Canepa-Anson, A. (2020) The problem of unconscious bias and racism within psychotherapy training. New Associations Issue 32 Autumn 2020:5.
Crawford, S. (2005) Free Association and Supervision. In Driver, C., and Martin E. (eds.) Supervision and the Analytic Attitude. Whurr: London and Philadelphia.
Crawford, S. (2013) Generosity. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., and Stewart, J. (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and therapeutic practice. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Czubinska. G. (2017) Migration as unconscious search for identity. Some reflections on difference, language and belonging. British Journal Psychotherapy. 33(2):159-176.
Driver, C., and Martin, E. (eds.) (2002) Supervising Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Perspectives. London: Sage.
Driver, C. (2002) Internal States in the Supervisory Relationship. In Driver, C. and Martin, E. (eds.) Supervising Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Perspectives. London: Sage.
Driver, C. (2002) The Geography and Topography of Supervision in a Group Setting. In Driver, C. and Martin, E. (eds.) Supervising Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Perspectives. London: Sage.
Driver, C. (2003) A Consideration of Mutative Processes in Relation to Mental Health, in Bishop John Robinson Fellowship Newsletter, Issue No. 14., August 2003. South London and Maudsley NHS Trust.
Driver, C., and Martin, E. (eds.) (2005) Supervision and the Analytic Attitude. London: Whurr.
Driver, C. (2005) Language and Interpretation in Supervision. In Driver, C., and Martin, E., (eds) Supervision and the Analytic Attitude. London: Whurr.
Driver, C. (2005) Attachment and the Supervisory Alliance. In Driver, C., and Martin, E., (eds) Supervision and the Analytic Attitude. London: Whurr.
Driver, C. (2005) An under-active or over-active internal world? An exploration of parallel dynamics within Psyche and Soma, and the difficulty of internal regulation in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 50:155–173
Driver, C. (2008) Assessment in Supervision: An Analytic Perspective. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 24(3):328-342.
Driver, C. (2009) Psychological Types in Supervision. In Typology in Supervision, Supervision Review, The Journal of the British Association for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Supervision. Winter 2009.
Driver, C. (2009) Supervision: a psychodynamic and psychoanalytic perspective on supervision practice and supervision training. In Henderson, P. (ed) Supervision Training. Issues and Approaches. London: Karnac Books
Driver, C., Crawford, S., Stewart, J. (eds.) (2013) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Driver, C. (2013) Ontology and the Therapeutic Relationship. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., Stewart, J. (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Driver, C. (2013) Love and Relationship. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., Stewart, J. (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Driver, C. (2013) The Holy Mother and the Shadow: Revisiting Jung’s work on the quaternity. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 58:347-365
Driver, C. (2019) The Superego as a Significant Factor in Clinical Training. In Harding, C. (ed.) Dissecting the Superego. London: Routledge.
Driver, C. (2020) The Self and the Quintessence: A Jungian Perspective. London: Routledge.
Driver, C (2022) Michael Fordham’s Theories of Human Development: An Analytical Psychology Perspective. 상징과모래놀이치료, 제13권 제2호 Journal of Symbols & Sandplay Therapy. 2022, 12, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1-14.doi https://doi.org/10.12964/jsst.22006.
Driver, C., Murdin, L. (2021) From Westminster Pastoral Foundation to WPF Therapy. Memories of WPF Therapy 1990 – 2017. London: Christine Driver
Dubois-Barnes, L. (2021) Persecutory Entrapment and Flights in and Out of Situations: A Question of Survival British Journal of Psychotherapy. 37(1):52-70.
Elfred, M. (2013) The Healing Relationship. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., Stewart, J. (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Errington, M. (2013) Not Speaking: Thinking More about the ‘Talking Cure’. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., Stewart, J. (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Evans, G. (2006) Assessing clients with a serious physical illness or disability for psychodynamic therapy. In Archer, R. (ed.) Dual Realities The Search for Meaning. London: Karnac.
Evans, G. (2010) Supervising Clinical Assessments - Valuing the Impossible Task. BAPPS Supervision Review. Winter 2010
Greally, B. (2013) Sexuality and Therapeutic Practice. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., Stewart, J. (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Harding, C. (1995) The shame and envy partnership. Journal of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Counselling. 3, Summer 1995.
Harding, C. (ed.) (2001) Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. London: Routledge
Harding, C. (2001) Making sense of sexuality. In Harding, C. (ed.) Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. East Sussex: Brunner-Routledge
Harding, C. (2001) The power of sex. In Harding, C. (ed.) Sexuality Psychoanalytic Perspectives. East Sussex: Brunner Routledge.
Harding, C. (ed.) (2006) Aggression and Destructiveness: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. East Sussex: Routledge.
Harding, C. (2006) Making sense of aggression, destructiveness and violence. In Harding, C. (ed.) Aggression and Destructiveness: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. East Sussex: Routledge.
Harding, C. (2006) The victim's revenge: he is "crime" and I am "punishment" (Rigoletto). In Harding, C. (ed.) Aggression and Destructiveness: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. East Sussex: Routledge.
Harding, C. (2009) The ghost at the feast: enactments of cumulative trauma in the therapeutic relationship. In Mann, D. (ed.) The Past in the Present: Therapy Enactments and the Return of Trauma. East Sussex: Routledge.
Harding, C. (ed.) (2019) Dissecting The Superego: Moralities Under the Psychoanalytic Microscope. Oxon: Routledge
Harding, C. (2019) The superego in 21st century Psychoanalysis. In Harding, C. (ed.) Dissecting The Superego: Moralities Under the Psychoanalytic Microscope. Oxon: Routledge.
Harding, C. (2019) Sorry doesn't make a dead man alive: the superego in depressive states of mind. In Harding, C. (ed.) Dissecting The Superego: Moralities Under the Psychoanalytic Microscope. Oxon: Routledge.
Harding, C. (2019) The superego's role in ethical practice: hindrance and help. In Harding, C. (ed) Dissecting The Superego: Moralities Under the Psychoanalytic Microscope. Oxon: Routledge.
Hotchkies, L., and Hudson, N. (2013) Living with Mortality. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., Stewart, J. (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Johnson, M. (2012) Thoughts on accountability and triangulation. Psychodynamic Practice. 18(3)
Mander, G. (1991). Some Thoughts on Sibling Rivalry and Competitiveness. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 7(4):368-379.
Mander, G. (1995) In Praise of Once‐Weekly Work: Making a Virtue of Necessity or Treatment of Choice? British Journal of Psychotherapy. 12(1):3-14.
Mander, G. (1996). The Stifled Cry, or Truby King, the Forgotten Prophet. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 13(1):3-12.
Mander, G. (1999). The Absent Father and His Return: Echoes of War. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 16(1):16-26.
Mander, G. (2000) A Psychodynamic Approach to Brief Therapy. London: Sage Publications.
Mander, G. (2002) From Free Association to the Dynamic Focus: Towards a Model of Recurrent Psychotherapy. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 19(2):203-218.
Mander, G. (2002) Supervision: Between Control and Collusion. Supervising Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Perspectives. London: Sage.
Mander, G. (2002) Supervising Short-Term Psychodynamic Work. Supervising Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Perspectives. London: Sage.
Mander, G. (2002) Supervision of Supervision: Specialism or New Profession? Supervising Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Perspectives. London: Sage.
Mander, G. (2002) Timing and Ending in Supervision. Supervising Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Perspectives. London: Sage.
Mander, G. (2004). The Cord of Life - Not Waving, but Drowning: On David Malan's Anorexia, Murder and Suicide: What Can Be Learned from the Tories of three Remarkable People (2004). British Journal of Psychotherapy. 20(3):307-313
Mander, G. (2005). Defiant Resistance in the Service of the Impoverished Self: Herman Melville's Bartleby: An Illustration of Clinical Casework. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 22(2):217-226.
Mander, G. (2007) Diversity, Discipline and Devotion in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Clinical and Training Perspectives (Psychology, Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy). London: Karnac Books.
Mander, G. Pethick, L. (2008). Editorial. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 24(2):135-137.
Mander, G. (2008). Review: Learning from Life: Becoming A Psychoanalyst by Patrick Casement. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 24(1):103-105
Marsden, P. (1997) Demeter and Persephone: fears of cannibalistic engulfment in bulimia. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 13(3):318-326.
Marsden, P., and Lacey, J.H. (1999) Double Bind: A study of two pairs of female monozygotic twins concordant for Anorexia Nervosa. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 16 (2):173-181.
Marsden, P. (2001) Food and Violence: Childhood violence and emotional abuse as complicating factors in the treatment of eating disorders. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. 15(3):225-242.
Marsden, P., Meyer, C., Fuller, M., Waller, G. (2002) The relationship between eating psychopathology and separation-individuation in young non-clinical women. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 190(10):710-713.
Marsden, P., Karagianni, E., Morgan, J. F. (2007) Spirituality and Clinical Care in Eating Disorders: A Qualitative Study. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 40(1):7-12.
Marsden, P., Knight-Evans, A. (2009) Tangled Webs: Enactments on an inpatient ward for eating disorders. In Mann, D. and Cunningham, V. (eds.) The Past in the Present. East Sussex and New York: Routledge.
Matheson, C. & Kegerreis, S. (2023). The online unconscious. Therapy Today, 34(10): 32-34
Matheson, C. & Kegerreis, S. (2023). ‘The genie’s out of the bottle’: the impact of working online with individual psychodynamic psychotherapy for therapists and clients, and its lessons for psychodynamic training. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 39(3):573–591. doi: 10.1111/bjp.12853
Matheson, C., & Weightman, E. (2021). A participatory study of patient views on psychotherapy for complex post-traumatic stress disorder, CPTSD. Journal of Mental Health, 30(6):690-697
Matheson, C., & Weightman, E. (2019). Research and recovery: Can patient participation in research promote recovery for people with complex post‐traumatic stress disorder, CPTSD?. Health Expectations. Online publication, doi.org/10.1111/hex.13014
Matheson, C. (2016). A new diagnosis of complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD – a window of opportunity for the treatment of patients in the NHS? Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 30(4),329-344.
Matheson, C. (2011). What do women need? Integrating psychodynamic psychotherapy with cognitive techniques in working with pregnant women and new mothers. British Journal of Psychotherapy . 3(1):272-291
McEnery-West, C. (2008) Text speak: The impact of new technology on client interaction. Therapy Today. October 2008, 19(8).
McEnery-West, C. (2016) Birdman, or the reality of unreality. New Associations. Issue 20,
Mcloughlin, B. (1995) Developing Psychodynamic Counselling. London: Sage
Morgan, J., Marsden, P., and Lacey, J. H., (2000) Spiritual starvation? A case series concerning Christianity and eating disorders. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 28(4):476-480.
Murdin, L. (1994) Outer space and inner space. Journal of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Counselling. 2.
Murdin, L. (1994) Time to go: therapist induced endings in psychotherapy. British Journal for Psychotherapy . 10(3).
Murdin, L. (1995) What harm can it do? Psychodynamic Counselling. 1(3).
Murdin, L. (1996) The letter and spirit of the law. Counselling. 7(1).
Murdin, L. 1998) The Ethics of Supervision. In Clarkson. P. (ed.) Supervision. London: Whurr.
Murdin, L. (2000) How Much is Enough? - Endings in psychotherapy and counselling. London: Routledge.
Murdin, L. (2001) Dilemmas in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Jones, C. (ed.) Buckingham: Open University Press.
Murdin, L. Palmer-Barnes (eds.) (2001) Values and Ethics in the Practice of Psychotherapy and Counselling. London: Routledge.
Murdin, L. (2001) Success and Failure. In Values and Ethics in the Practice of Psychotherapy and Counselling. London: Routledge.
Murdin, L. (2005) Setting Out: The Importance of the Beginning in Counselling and Psychotherapy. London: Routledge.
Murdin, L. (2010) Understanding Transference. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Murdin, L. (2012) Managing Difficult Endings in Counselling and Psychotherapy. London: Karnac.
Murdin, L. (2012) How Money Talks. London: Karnac.
Murdin, L. (2013) Time and Rites of Passage. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., Stewart, J. (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Murdin, L. (2018) Fundamentalism. In Harding, C. (ed.) Dissecting the Superego. London: Routledge.
Murdin, L. (2021) Psychoanalytic Insights into Fundamentalism and Conviction. The Certainty Principle. London: Routledge.
Newbigin, J. (1990) Counselling: A Cure for Social Ills? Women: A Cultural Review. Oxford University Press. 1(2).
Newbigin, J. (2002) Clinical Commentary. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 40(1)
Newbigin, J. (2013). Psychoanalysis and Homosexuality: Keeping the Discussion Moving. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 29(3):276-291.
Newbigin, J. (2013) The Diversity Agenda in the Consulting Room. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., Stewart, J. (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Newbigin, J. (2014) Psychoanalysis and Homosexuality: Keeping the Discussion Moving. In Lowe F. (ed.) Thinking Space: Promoting Thinking about Race, Culture and Diversity in Psychotherapy and Beyond. London: Tavistock Clinic Series, Karnac.
Newbigin, J. (2018) Review of: Clinical Encounters in Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Practice and Queer Theory edited by Noreen Giffney and Eve Watson. Goleta, CA: Punctum Books. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 34(2):328-331.
Newbigin, J. and Hertzmann, L. (eds.) (2019) Sexuality and Gender Now: Moving Beyond Heteronormativity. London: Routledge.
Parker, R. (1984) The Subversive Stitch: Embroidery and the Making of the Feminine. London: the Women’s Press Ltd.
Parker, R. (1995) Torn in Two. The Experience of Maternal Ambivalence. London: Virago Press Ltd.
Parker, R. (1998). Killing the Angel in the House: Creativity, Femininity and Aggression. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. 79:757-774.
Parker, R. (2003). Body Hatred. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 19(4):447-464.
Parker, R. (2014). Critical Looks: An Analysis of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 30(4):438-461
Parkinson, J. (2003) Intruder In The Night: Cancer and the ‘I’ Within. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 19(4).
Parkinson, J. (2006) Experiences of Selves in Isolation: A psychodynamic approach to the care of patients being treated in a specialized medical hospital unit. Psychodynamic Practice. 12(2).
Parkinson, J. (2006 ) Who am I, that I might become? The spiritual dimension in work with people who are seriously physically ill. In Archer, R. (ed.) Dual Realities. London: Karnac.
Potter, V. (1997) Is Counselling Training for You? Sheldon Press.
Richards. D. (2001) The remains of the day: counselling older clients. Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal. 12(7):10-14.
Richards, D. (2011) Working with older LGBT people. Therapy Today. 22(10):10-14.
Richards, D. (2011) Encounters across the divide: gender dynamics in group supervision of work with older adults. Supervision Review. Winter 2011:13-19.
Richards, D. (2019) Working with sameness and difference: reflections on supervision with diverse sexualities. In Hertzmann, L., and Newbigin, J. (ed) Sexuality and Gender Now: Looking beyond heteronormativity. London: Routledge/Tavistock Clinic Series.
Rignall, J. (2013) Shame. In Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Russell, G. and Marsden, P. (1998) Countertransference with bulimic patients with borderline personality disorder. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 15(1):31-43.
Sternberg, J. Mander, G. (2008). Editorial. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 24(1):1-3.
Stewart, J. (2002) The Interface Between Teaching and Supervision. In Driver, C., and Martin, E. (eds.) Supervising Psychotherapy. London: Sage Publications.
Stewart, J. (2002) The Container and the Contained: Supervision and its Organisational Context. In Driver, C., and Martin, E. (eds.) Supervising Psychotherapy. London: Sage Publications.
Stewart, J. (2013) An Exploration into the Nature of the Self. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., and Stewart, J. (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Stiffell, G. and Holtom, R. (2016) Beware the Song of the Sirens. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 32(1):37–52
Thomas, M. (2005) Through the looking glass; creativity in supervision. In Driver, C., and Martin, E., (eds) Supervision and the Analytic Attitude. London: Whurr.
Thomas, M. (2013) The Artist’s Fear of the Psychotherapist. In Driver, C., Crawford, S., and Stewart, J (eds.) Being and Relating in Psychotherapy: Ontology and Clinical Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Townsend, P. (2005) Transitional spaces: surface, fantasy and illusion. In Wells, L., and Standing, S. (eds.) Surface: Land/Water and the Visual Arts. Plymouth: University of Plymouth Press.
Townsend, P. (2012) Containing the Uncontainable: a review of Taryn Simon: A living man declared dead and other chapters. In Exposure. 45(2). Cleveland, Ohio: Society for Photographic Education.
Townsend, P. (2013) Making Space. In Kuhn, A. (ed.) Little Madnesses: Winnicott, Transitional Phenomena and Cultural Experience. London: I. B. Tauris.
Townsend, P. (2014) Editorial and A Life of Its Own. In Psychoanalysis and Artistic Process, Free Associations. 65.
Townsend, P. (2015) Creativity and Destructiveness in Art and Psychoanalysis. In British Journal of Psychotherapy. 31(1):120-131.
Townsend, P. (2015) Art and the Inner World. Catalogue essay for the exhibition. Ikke Til Salg. Trapholt, Denmark.
Townsend, P. (2017) Between Inner and Outer Worlds. In Read, S., and Simmons, M. (eds.) Photographers and Research: the role of research in contemporary photographic practice. London: Routledge.
Townsend, P. (2019) Creative States of Mind: Psychoanalysis and the Artist’s Process. London and New York: Routledge.
Ward, S. (2014) The Poet and the Psychotherapist. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 30(4):475-483
Ward, S. (2019) Surviving Loss of a Twin in Childhood: A Case Study. Professional Doctorate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies. University of Essex.
Winter, D., Archer, R., Spearman, P., Costello, M., Quaite, A., Metcalfe, C. (2003) Explorations of the Effectiveness of a Voluntary Sector Psychodynamic Counselling Service. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 3(4). BACP
Wood, H., and Brown, G. (2014): Psychoanalytically informed clinical supervision of staff in probation service. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. 28 (3)
Wrottesley, C. (2012). An Interview with Prophecy Coles. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. 2(1):99-106.
Wrottesley, C. (2012). An Interview with Dr Paola Mariotti. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. 2(2):247-254.
Wrottesley, C. (2013). Men, Women and Relationships - A Post‐Jungian Approach: Gender Electrics and Magic Beans by Phil Goss. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 58(4):547-549.
Wrottesley, C. (2013). An Interview with Pauline Hodson. Couple And Family Psychoanalysis. 3(1):94-102.
Wrottesley, C. (2013). Meeting the Author: An Interview with Deborah Cohen. Couple And Family Psychoanalysis. 3(2):244-250.
Wrottesley, C. (2014). An Interview with Barbara Dearnley. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. 4(2):193-203.
Wrottesley, C. (2016). Tea with Winnicott, by Brett Kahr, with illustrations by Alison Bechdel, Karnac, 2016. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. 6(2):221-224.
Wrottesley, C. (2016). Meeting the Author: An Interview with Joy Schaverien. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. 6(1):96.
Wrottesley, C. (2017) Brief Intervention With A Chinese Couple Commentary. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. 7(1):102-112.
Wrottesley, C. (2017). Edipo non muore Mai? La coppia di nonni alle prese con Edipo. INTERAZIONI. Clinica e ricerca psicoanalitica su individuo-coppia-famiglia.
Wrottesley, C. (2017). Does Oedipus Never Die? The Grandparental Couple Grapple With Oedipus. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. 7(2):188-207.
Wrottesley, C. (2018). Some considerations regarding the impact of early parental loss on adult couple functioning. In: Keogh, T & Gregory-Roberts, C. (eds.). Restoration of the Object: Mourning, Melancholia and Couples. London: Karnac
Wrottesley, C. (2018). Three in the Room. Therapy Today. March 2018:24-27.
Wrottesley, C. (2018). Review of Couples on the Couch. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. pp. 82-84.
Wrottesley, C. (2018). Response to ‘The disintermediation of desire: from 3D (desire) to 2D (desire’) by Alessandra Lemma. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. 8(2):123-130.